
Monday, October 05, 2009

Misc: Laugh Out Loud Monday

I have not checked my facebook in a while and found a few posts from friends that kept me laughing til I almost cried!

So, to start all our Monday with a big giggle I am re-posting them here:

This one is so cute! How can something so tiny sneeze that loud?

This one is the ultimate LOL!

Warning: PG

Happy Monday lovelies!!!


. said...

haha, these are great!

Ela said...

Girly, I've missed your blog. So sorry I've been MIA. I hope any family/friends you have in the Philippines are doing well. Keeping you in my prayers just in case :)

T, you're killing me. That last song totes makes me want to turn away but yet I couldn't - I watched every second - as much as it often made my stomach churn.

Have a great week, hon!
p.s. you are wayyy to fabulous in that last outfit. You look amazing as ALWAYS!!!

Aline said...


that's a great way to start the week! said...

LOL! Great!


Delmy said...

LOLOL....I needed a laugh

Andhari said...

The last one really does it for me, hahaha no one beats asian people singing off keys in broken english :P

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That panda sounds like my Mom. She has the loudest sneeze EVER. It's how we locate her if we lose her in a store. Ah ha

Anonymous said...


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