
Sunday, August 02, 2009

Look: Emerald Green and a big Thank You!

This is what I wore last Friday...

MBA Graduation 09 280

What I am wearing:
dress: BCBG Max Azria (seen here)
shoes: Christian Louboutin (also here)
long knotted gold chain necklace: Express (seen here)
gold cuff: Bebe
bag: Preston & York

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After 12 weeks of compressed summer classes - it is finally over. I received my MBA degree on Friday! So, excuse my Harry Potter get-up as I share this picture with you lovelies. BTW, whoever came up with the cap obviously needs some fashion advice haha!

MBA Graduation 09 132a

Now, for the most important part of this post:

Thank you all so much for all the sweet comments and the encouraging e-mails I have received while I have been busy going through the last leg of my MBA. It made me smile and have lifted me when I feel tired. Thank you all so much!!!

Finally, please indulge me by allowing me to dedicate this achievement to my mom and dad who have instilled the value of education to my sisters and I. Thank you Mom and Dad for all the support and love you have showered us, this is for both of you!

So, I'm raising my peach bellini to you all and "Cin Cin - salute!"

MBA Graduation 09 231a


Kelly said...

Congrats Tey!!! i know your family , mom and dad are very proud of you girl!! so am i!!! i've always contemplated going back to school...just havent gotten my ass up to it this is very inspirational!!

Cheers to you!! xoox look beautiful in green =) said...

Congratulations dear!

Ur CL sandals are perfection!


Lisa said...


Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...


I love your green dress. you look beautiful.


Andhari said...

Congratulations, this made me smile and feel really happy for you!

Ps. You look gorgeous!

agus said...

Congratulations my dear!

You look great in green :-)

Tiffany said...

I think you look adorable in your cap and gown. :) Congratulations! what an amazing accomplishment!

Love the dress and shoes!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Yey! Congrats! That is an amazing achievement! And you look spectacular in that color.

Little Bow Prep said...

Cute dress!


Nicole Marie said...


and love the dress!

Mai said...

congratulations and best wishes xxx

Haute World said...

Congrats on getting your MBA! And what a fabulous color that dress has... you look terrific as always :)

modediktat said...

I can only second the previous commentators: You look beautiful in your emerald green dress! Your accessoires are just gorgoeus, your cuff is so lovely!
And your shoes are making the entire outfit PERFECT!
Cheers to you as well, dear!!
xoxo, Sofie

Ela said...

Congratulations!!! What an amazing accomplishment :)

I Love green & gold together! I especially love the dress and necklace - you look fabulous :)

Hayley said...

The green and gold look amazing on you - that is such a good outfit.

Thank you for my comment.


Couture Carrie said...

Congrats, darling!

You look fabulous in that BCBG dress!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations darling!!! Wow, what a great accomplishment :-) I'm seriously loving that BCBG dress on you--tres sexy. I tried it on and it was like "eh" but it looks GORG on you!!!

Dingo said...

Congrats, girl! That's fantastic! In celebration of this achievement, you should send me that gorgeous BCBG dress.

Angela said...

congrat! you look utterly stylish in your green and gold look. i esp adore your necklace.

simplychic said...

congrats on such a big accomplishment! i wish i was in your place right now. i'm in the process of applying to grad school...

you look fab. love the shoes obviously.

Midtown Girl said...

1000 Congrats to you Ms. Smarty Pants!!

Fantastic achievement that will guide you in whatever direction you wish - so proud of you!

And green looks just fab on you chickie ;-)

paanie said...

congrats! that is an amazing feat!

DS said...

Congratulations on your MBA! I have to say I love love the color of your dress, it looks so gorgeous on you. (Plus your Louboutins are fantastic).

J. said...

Congrats! And may I say... gorgeous outfit! The dress in particular is to die for!

Marian said...

congrats on the MBA honey! well done.

love the green dress on you!gorgeous colour on you girl.

the nude and black Zanottis are so you and are timeless.if you ahve had your eye on them you should so get them girl.they will be in your shoe closet forever.

Fashion Moment said...

Congratulations darling! I'm so happy for you! You look so fabulous.


Cafe Fashionista said...

Congratulations on graduating! I'm so thrilled that you have reached your goal, and accomplished your dreams. And more school!

In other wear the color emerald so well. I think it may be your color, in fact. You look drop dead gorgeous in this ensemble. And your accessories serve to enhance the natural beauty of the dress. Stunning! :)

micol zanzuri said...

that green looks fabolus on you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on this special achievement! You should be PROUD!

hannah, heart city said...

congratulations on your degree! your outfit is very chic!


Congrats! (:

That green is most definitely your color; you simply GLOW in it!

La C.

Elaine said...

Congratulations!!! What a great accomplishment! I am on my way to getting my BA and I am just about ready to be done with school. I can't imagine going for longer! And you look amazing in that green dress! It really complements you! Thanks for commenting on my blog :)

J said...

love the color of the dress!! congrats!

Elizabeth Marie said...

Hey Tey!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am SO proud of you girl, I knew you could do it!

You look GORGEOUS!! That color is amazing on you and your hair looks unbeweavable! LOVE IT SO MUCH! and you girl!! Missed you, so happy to have you back! And thank you for supporting me, always! XO, Liz

laura said...

amazing outfit!! that dress is STUNNING!!!

Kelly said...

congratulations!! that is a HUGE accomplishment!! now i think you need a nice vacation and tasty drinks to celebrate! cheers to you!

your dress is just darling! you wear it so well :)

drollgirl said...

MBA?!?!?! CONGRATULATIONS!!! that is majah!!!

and your green dress is such a lovely color, and you look gorgeous in it!

The Sydney Girl said...

wow you look fabulous in that gorgeous green colour! also, congratulations on graduating. you must feel liberated!


The Sydney Girl said...

p.s. would you like to swap links? =)


dogmom11 said...

Congrats, honey!! DogDad and I met while getting our MBAs @ Haas (Berkeley), so we truly appreciate what an accomplishment it is to get all those nasty accounting and finance finals behind you. (-: If you ever need to tap into the Haas network, definitely let me know and we'll get hooked via LinkedIn, etc. Congrats again and hope you're taking a little time off to celebrate.

The Sydney Girl said...

just added ur link beautiful!

Natalie J Monty said...


Just blog cruisin' (as I call it)...and I stumbled upon the little treasure that is yours! Glad I did, it's definitely about something <3

You're personal style is definitely on point -truly inspirational!

P.S - I've added your blog to my blog list :-) –will be back shortly...

Much love

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

lovely dress! the cuff is so pretty

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

lovely dress! the cuff is so pretty

E said...

You look SO incredible in that dress and THOSE SHOES!!!

Honeybunches of Roses said...

congrats! and your legs look so long, they can go on forever

Marian said...

hope your having a lovely weekend honey

Velo said...

congratz gurl!!
you look so elegant with the dress!! =D

kathleen said...

Congratulations! Such a big accomplishment!

J said...

that green dress is so pretty on you!

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